Friday, January 31, 2020
Indian Culture Essay Example for Free
Indian Culture Essay Welcome to our guide to India. This is useful for anyone researching Indian culture, customs, values and wanting to understand the people better. You may be going to India on business, for a visit or even hosting Indiancolleagues or clients in your own country. Remember this is only a very basic level introduction and is not meant to stereotype all Indian people you may meet! Facts and Statistics Location: Southern Asia, bordering Bangladesh 4,053 km, Bhutan 605 km, Burma1,463 km, China 3,380 km, Nepal 1,690 km, Pakistan 2,912 km Capital: New Delhi Climate: varies from tropical monsoon in south to temperate in north Population: 1,065,070,607 (July 2004 est. ) Ethnic Make-up: Indo-Aryan 72%, Dravidian 25%, Mongoloid and other 3% (2000) Religions: Hindu 81.3%, Muslim 12%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other groups including Buddhist , Jain, Parsi 2.5% (2000) Government: Federal Republic Languages in India The different states of India have different official languages, some of them not recognized by the central government. Some states have more then one official language. Bihar in east India has three official languages Hindi , Urdu and Bengali which are all recognized by the central government. But Sikkim, also in east India, has four official languages of which only Nepali is recognized by the central government. Besides the languages officially recognized by central or state governments, there are other languageswhich dont have this recognition and their speakers are running political struggles to get this recognition. Central government decided that Hindi was to be the official language of India and therefore it also has the status of official language in the states. Travelling to India? Why not learn some useful Hindi phrases ? Indian Society Culture Hierarchy The influences of Hinduism and the tradition of the caste system have created a culture that emphasizes established hierarchical relationships. Indians are always conscious of social order and their status relative to other people, be they family, friends, or strangers. All relationships involve hierarchies. In schools, teachers are called gurus and are viewed as the source of all knowledge. The patriarch, usually the father, is considered theleader of the family. The boss is seen as the source of ultimate responsibility in business. Every relationship has a clear- cut hierarchy that must be observed for the social order to be maintained. The Role of the Family People typically define themselves by the groups to which they belong rather than by their status as individuals. Someone is deemed to be affiliated to a specific state, region, city, family, career path, religion, etc. This group orientation stems from the close personal ties Indians maintain with their family, including the extended family. The extended family creates a myriad of interrelationships, rules, and structures. Along with these mutual obligations comes a deep-rooted trust among relatives. Just Cant Say No Indians do not like to express no, be it verbally or non- verbally. Rather than disappoint you, for example, by saying something isnt available, Indians will offer you the response that they think you want to hear. This behaviour should not be considered dishonest. An Indian would be considered terribly rude if he did not attempt to give a person what had been asked. Since they do not like to give negative answers, Indians may give an affirmative answer but be deliberately vague about any specific details. This will require you to look for non-verbal cues, such as a reluctance to commit to an actual time for a meeting or an enthusiastic response. Etiquette and Customs in India Meeting Etiquette Religion, education and social class all influence greetings in India. This is a hierarchical culture, so greet the eldest or most senior person first. When leaving a group, each person must be bid farewell individually.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Importance of Training and Mentoring :: Human Resource Employee Improvement Strategy
Importance of Training and Mentoring The management is committed to training and development in the field of industrial cleaning and sanitation industry. These two components are part of our culture, and we believe that the way to fulfill this commitment is to provide training for new and current employees. For this reason, we have implemented a new training program with a mentor base. We recognize the value of mentoring as an important instrument of organizational learning. Mentoring provides an opportunity for successful individuals to share knowledge and to advise employees. This interactive mechanism will not only enhance the skills of the sales team but will also enhance professional and career skills of employees. Our goal is to provide our employees with reliable mentors. Our mentors have strong knowledge of and professional expertise in their fields. The mentors will help employees learn to handle various situations, enhance their developmental skills, and avoid some of the pitfalls that can potentially sidetra ck a career or delay promotion opportunities. Mentoring also has the potential of broadening skills, experience, and expertise through the organization. Our training program is based on a method that provides employees the skills they will need to perform their job. For example, the program will teach a new salesperson how to sell our products, or a new supervisor will learn how to fill out the company’s weekly payroll timesheet. Our sales team is considered one of the best teams in the industry, with higher production numbers, customer service, and community service. In the same line we want our training program to be the best. We believe that, as a means for you as our employee to expand into a winning professional, two types of schooling in business and interpersonal maturity should be in place. We understand that business is important. However, the success of a business is contingent on our employees’ personal and professional development. We want our employees to have fun in their daily work and in their training. Objective of the Training The reason for the training program is to pair the trainee with a mentor in order for the trainee to become more knowledgeable about the products and services that we provide. With a mentor, the trainee has instant access to a person who can answer questions and concerns. The training program provides the trainee with other important information including the following: the company history, features and benefits, compliance standards, contract related training, computer/software training, leadership training, customer service, communication, and regulations.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Determining Databases and Data Communications Essay
Getting organized and planning ahead for trade shows is critical to a successful showing. As the marketing assistant for XYZ Consumer Electronics Company, I have a number of tasks to complete for the trade show booth setup. There several ways, in which the equipment, components, shippers and shipments can be categorized, cataloged and tracked. This can be done either by entering the information into a data base to print an itemized report or plug in the information into the respective fields in an Excel Spreadsheet. To determine the best way of managing the trade show booth below is a list of things to keep in mind about the components, equipment, shippers, shipment, and time to assemble the pertinent equipment for display. The first steps in preparing for a trade show would be: †¢Select space and determine size of footprint based on the equipment and components †¢Prepare your budget †¢Determine exhibit needs and objectives †¢Select primary vendors (transportation company, installation/dismantle) †¢Identify promotions and/or give-away items †¢Produce show literature and marketing materials †¢Plan in-booth audio visual programs and presentations/demonstrations The typical fields needed to track the Components would be: †¢The Name of component †¢The quantity of each item †¢ the size of each item or carton †¢ the weight of each pallet or item †¢ how long it takes to unload the components †¢ the length of time needed to set up †¢How long it takes to break down †¢Tools required for each piece The typical fields needed to track the Equipment would be: †¢Quantity of pieces of equipment †¢Which container has each piece of equipment †¢The placement of the piece of equipment once it arrives at the show †¢The cost of each piece of the equipment (in case of damage) Keeping track of the shippers and shipments: †¢The Name of the Shipper †¢The Shippers phone number, address and contact person †¢Tracking number or Pro number †¢What the Travel time and estimated date and time of arrival †¢What the Travel time to and from the location would be †¢The Container Company – Insurance information in case of damage in transit †¢The Quantity of pieces per container †¢The Quantity of containers containing goods (numbering or color coding would be helpful as a reference on an Excel spreadsheet) †¢The Date and time container was loaded Having all of the above listed information, a check list can be created either in a data base or on an excel spread sheet to make sure all of the needful items make it to the trade show. With numerous items, multiple containers and possibly different arrivals of these items a check list would make the process easier. A database system is one option that could be used in this situation, or if one would be more comfortable with a spreadsheet. We all know that a database is a â€Å"self-describing collection of integrated records†(Kroenke, 2012, p. 101). A data base could be useful whereas you can print different reports, store all the information on the components and equipment for you and others to access whether at the trade show or in the office. A database is meant to collect, filter and report data quickly. The information entered into the database can be used to populate spreadsheets, import and export data between word processing and excel. As well as the ability to create reports that take less time and effort then putting together and manually entering an excel spreadsheet. It will enable you to integrate various departments like procurement, finance, traffic and the trade show team members into the process. Database provides up to date information, and the data is in a consistent format (Kavanagh 2002, 7-11). I would choose to use an enterprise database over a personal database. They both have the same functionality and data modifications, but the enterprise database also has additional networking capabilities. The decision support system (DSS) I would chose to work on for this as well as other projects would be ACT!. It works with the daily business tools such as Windows, MS Office, Outlook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and has been integrated with our Quickbooks accounting system. With this accessibility it provides visibility to open quote, payment status, sales orders, purchase orders, a full customer view and th e list goes on. A few of the highlights that are †¢Group Scheduling †¢Group Dashboards and Reports †¢Enhanced Security Settings †¢Advanced Admin Options †¢HTML5-based Mobile Included †¢Hosting Options Available Scenario Two As the manager of a small consulting business, that has some of my employees working from home while others are in the office, it is important that we are able to communicate with each other and to our customers. Technology has provided new tools in the industry that has made it convenient to communicate through video conferencing, voice calls, e mails, and instant messaging. Having half of my employees telecommuting the best option for the company would be to have a WAN. A WAN will allow computers in different locations all to be connected to the network and have the ability to share information. While a LAN, would only be able to share the information with the computers on the network at that specific location. LANWAN Local reachGlobal reach Internal networkInternational network Relatively simpleRelatively complex Simple to InstallProfessional installation required The need and the benefits of having a wireless network for my small business: †¢Convenience – Being able to access your network resources from any location within your wireless network’s coverage area. †¢Mobility. The ability to go online anywhere and with different devices, not being tied to your desk. †¢Easy setup – No string cables, so installation can be easy and cheap. †¢Expandable – Can expand wireless networks with existing equipment. †¢Security – wireless networks provide enhanced security protections. VPN uses a â€Å"virtual†connection through the internet from my company to my telecommuting employee’s. This is helpful to my company’s security because the data will be encrypted for anyone trying to intercept the information. Reference MIS Essentials, Second Edition, by David M. Kroenke. Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright  © 2012 Shaw RL, Booth A, Sutton AJ, Miller T, Smith JA, Young B, et al. Finding qualitative research: an evaluation of search strategies. BMC Med Res Methodol 2004;4:5
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Essay on Digital Media and Society - 5371 Words
Final exam study Digital Media and Society Week 1 What this class is about†¦ * Humans exchanging meaning * Through messages, by innovating using devices originally intended for corporate and government data management... computers * The debates about emerging media * How these debates are important to you profession development * You are a†¦ knowledge worker Field labels * New communication technology * New media * Digital media Article: how is work changing? Digital * Information in a binary electronic form * Manipulable * Digital information is easily changeable and adaptable at all stages of creation, storage, delivery and use * Networkable * Digital information†¦show more content†¦* Harold Inis (1951) * The Bias of Communication * Arguments against: * Bryan Pfaffenberger (1992) * Social Anthropology of Technology (socio-technical system) Technology (Hirst and Harrison, 2007, p.58) * Humans use tools, act, shape destiny * People socially interacting with new ideas and technologies have made change * Technology is an interaction of ideas (knowledge) and objects (tools) that exist and function in socially determined reasons Ways of discussing Digital Media * Dialect * Discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation * Use of the word â€Å"dialect†in part to mean â€Å"technoculture†* Fetish * An object believed to have magical power by its owner. A material object regarded with superstitious trust, reverence, an object of reverence Hirst and Harison * There is a contradiction, expressed through a dialect, between the forms of technology and social relations that govern their application * The social relations that define a mode of development are perhaps more important then technology in shaping our future Technocracy * The theory and movement advocating control of the industrial resources and reorganisation of the social system based on the findings of technologists and engineers Book: What would google do? Web: Turning down the volume: trying to control the vast amount of flood waterShow MoreRelatedDigital Media And Its Effect On Society1513 Words  | 7 PagesThe launch of a new digital media gadget does have a huge influence on society and can provoke such great excitement for people worldwide as any sort of media outlet can be used in multiple ways. 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The second subject being all things digital, such as laptops, desktop computers, smartphones, cameras, gaming consoles, etc. These mediums affectRead MoreDigital Media And Its Impact On Society1114 Words  | 5 PagesMorozov states this subject is about economics and logistics. He claims we confuse the intended uses of technology with the actual uses. Cyber-utopians truly believe in the power of the web to change societies for the better. People believe that if all persons can get online, and have enough connectivity, through collaboration they can get what they want, and democracy is inevitable. His argument is that this ideation disregards political, cultural, and sociological elements, and paints a preciseRead MoreThe Effects Of Digital Media On Society s Media1714 Words  | 7 PagesIt is undeniable that the society is experiencing a mediated culture, where mass media ha ve direct effects on our society. 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Digital Natives are transforming our world because of their interactions and intuit with technology and
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