Monday, December 30, 2019
Television Show Keeping Up With The Kardashians - 3868 Words
The Kardashians are known for their hit reality TV show Keeping up with the Kardashians. The show features a family that deals with what they consider as everyday problems and lead ostensibly normal lives, hence the name Reality TV. The family gained its fame originally when Robert Kardashian defended O.J. Simpson in court in 1995. O.J. Simpson was accused of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her ex-boyfriend, Ronald Goldman (Linder). Many politicians have started out their careers as lawyers, and sometimes become famous because they either defended or prosecuted important cases. Julius Caesar also gained his fame in the court system. Caesar was prosecuting two men that were followers of Sulla, who was an influential leader. This is not the only connection that can be distinguished between the Kardashians and Julius Caesar. Kim Kardashian, although she was already well known at the time, increased her fame even more by marrying Kanye West in May of 2014 (Stephens). Julius Caesar, similarly, married Cornelia, who was the daughter of a noble. This helped him to gain fame and support in the political world of Rome. Another similarity between Caesar and the Kardashians is their ability to self-advertise. Kim Kardashian has always been known for her ability to get the attention of the public through social media. Whether it be because of a scandalous photo, or an outrageous rumor that she wants to expose as untrue, she always manages to advertise something aboutShow MoreRelatedThe E ! Entertainment Channel908 Words  | 4 PagesIn the Fall of 2007 television season, the year Keeping Up with the Kardashians began, reality programming held 77.3 percent of viewership during the primetime block (Nielsen Research, 2011). The E! Entertainment channel is home to Keeping Up with the Kardashians and is purveyor of twenty-two reality television shows, with fourteen centering on women. In its first season the program snagged the number one spot for capturing the viewership of women between the ages of 18 and 34 (Kinon, 2007). TheRead MoreThe Reality Of Television Shows Influences The Politics And The Culture Essay1446 Words  | 6 PagesReality television shows are the usual genre of programs in the 21st century. These programs show the reality of what happens in real life. They are not like movies or series that are being acted or are done based on actual stories. The characters shown in these shows are the real people who act. Keeping up with Kardashians, Love and hip-hop, and the Police women of Cincinnati are some of the recent reality TV shows that are aired on American TV channels. Keeping up with the Kardashians is aboutRead MoreThe Reality Of Reality Television1511 Words  | 7 Pagesis defined as television programs in which real people are continuously filmed, designed to be entertaining rather than informative.(Dictionary) As we all know, in today s world we are presented with numerous Reality TV Show such as Keeping up Wi th the Kardashians, Basket wives and The Real Housewives of Miami. These shows give a false message to their viewers of what is reality and what is purely entertainment. Many reality programs create an artificial environment for the show that is meantRead MoreThe Positive and Negative Effects of Reality TV1031 Words  | 4 Pageswas when Kim Kardashian announced she was pregnant with baby North on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, when Jon and Kate Gosselin declared their divorce on John Kate Plus 8, or when Susan Boyle performed her surprise standing ovation audition on The X Factor, reality television can impact many lives everyday. Growing up in the era of the growth of reality television, I’ve seen many shows that influence and affect other teenagers and people more and more every day. The variety of shows seem to findRead Morereality tv: keeping up with the kardashians Essay1044 Words  | 5 PagesKeeping Up with the Kardashians is a reality television show that has aired on E! for the past seven years. It has filmed eight seasons focusing on the lives of the Kardashian and Jenner families. The reality show focuses on both the private and professional lives of the Kardashian sisters Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe, with additional emphasis on their brother Robert, mother Kris, stepfather Bruce (Robert Kardashian passed away before the show aired and Kris got remarried to Bruce), and half siblingsRead MoreFamily Should Not Be Defined By Blood1129 Words  | 5 PagesKroeker 1 A family can be defined in many different ways and almost every person has their own view and definition of families. Some may define it as simply as the blood relatives they have grown up with, living in the same home for most of their life. Whereas others, including myself, have a much more in depth or personable definition. No matter the culture or living situation, my definition of a family is the people I know will be there for me whenever I need them to be. This includes not onlyRead MoreSummary Of Materialism In The Hunger Games874 Words  | 4 Pagespower and influence reside in the capitol where superficiality and materialism are welcomed as a way of life. Our presentation, Catching up with the Cottingworths focuses on these elements through a parodic portrayal of how materialism can cause one to become inconsiderate and self-absorbed. Based on the popular reality television show Keeping up with the Kardashians and a reflection of the Capitol citizens who value these mate rial possessions fueled by greed and an obsession. Our presentation over-exaggeratesRead MoreTelevision And Young Women s Western Society1587 Words  | 7 PagesTelevision and Young Women in Western Society Reality television is considered to be essentially unscripted and unfiltered television programs where people showcase themselves depicting their real lives, the good, the bad and the ugly. Reality TV shows like â€Å"The Real Housewives†or â€Å"The Kardashians†exploit the lives of wealthy high-class people who portray drama, fortune and materialistic things. Since the beginning of the reality show phenomenon critics have been debating that reality televisionRead MorePseudo-Events: The False Reality of Celebrities1583 Words  | 7 Pagesfully discuss these topics, it is best to define what a celebrity and a psuedo-event is. The term ‘celebrity’ is often linked to ‘fame’, ‘stardom’, and ‘renown’. Development of mass media, during the twentieth century, including newpapers, radio, television, and now the Internet, gave rise to celebrity culture in the Western world. Media and publicity industries facilitate a gro wth of the ways the audience can consume celebrities after the creation, circulation, and promotion in the media (Drake andRead MoreThe Social Learning Theory And Its Negative Effects On Young Adult s Idea1659 Words  | 7 Pagesout this paper I will be examining Keeping up with the Kardashians and its negative effects on young adult s idea of a realistic lifestyle. When you think of the Kardashian what do you think of? While this is a very subjective question for the average young adult they see a glamorous, care free family who is living the ultimate fantasy life. They totally ignore the struggles the Kardashians face on a large scale and a small scale. On large scale the Kardashians have struggled with narcolepsy, excepting
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Social Media And Its Effects On Society - 2088 Words
Abstract Ninety-seven community college students in southern California were exposed to three recent psychology studies in one of two conditions: abstracts (n=43) or tweets (n=54). After reading the abstracts or tweets, all participants were asked to summarize the main finding of the studies to measure their comprehension. They were asked to do the same approximately 20 minutes later to test their retention. Responses were scored on a 0-3 point scale. Results indicate that comprehension of the studies were similar between the two groups t= 1.51, à = .13, r=15, though students in the â€Å"tweet†condition did retain significantly more information than students in the abstract condition, t=2.27, à =. 02, r= .23. This finding provides evidence to†¦show more content†¦Two-thirds of American adults are taking part in some form of social networking site (Perrin, 2015). With so many people actively using social media, it comes into question if these platforms can actually be be neficial to this generation and future generations to come. This is a question to consider due to the many negative associations that follow social media, such as it being seen as a distraction, that users may develop narcissistic behavior, aggressive tendencies, and are more prone to anxiety and depression (Rosen, 2011). The dissemination of psychological research is something that isn’t looked into often. The implications of this work appear to remain on shelves and have little impact on practice, research, policy or citizens (Fingfgeld, 2003). Walter, Isobel, Nutley, Sandra, Davies, Huw (2003) fount that, although some studies had used qualitative approaches to evaluate and assess strategies to increase the impact of research in practice, little to none focused on the dissemination of qualitative research findings. There haven’t been very many studies exploring this possibility. Findings by Huang, Wu, She, Lin (2014) focused on how different forms of discussion influenced students’ knowledge. Results indicated a main effect for Facebook discussion versus regular discussion; such that, participating in the Facebook discussion group results in more knowledge. The purpose of this current
Friday, December 13, 2019
Auditing Chaper 23 Free Essays
Chapter 2 2-7 The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) is responsible for establishing auditing standards for audits of public companies. The ASB is responsible for establishing auditing standards for private companies. 2-10 The criticism of this statement according to the ten generally accepted auditing standards that the standards should provide useful guidelines for conducting an audit to improve practitioners’ quality of their performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Auditing Chaper 23 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Based upon ten generally accepted auditing standards, the quality control system can provide only reasonable assurance, not a guarantee, that auditing standards followed with a professional judgment of their opinion. 2-16 a. The first general standard, which states in part, that a person must perform the audit or persons having adequate technical training, requires that an auditor have education and experience in the field of auditing. . The measures of the quality of the auditor’s performance are by accepting the general standards of auditing. c. The general group of the generally accepted auditing standards includes a requirement of due professional care be exercised by the auditor. d. The criteria of audit plan and evidence gathering the general character of the three generally accepted auditing standards classified as standards of fieldwork. 2-20 a. The ethical implications of Rossi and Montgomery’s accepting the engagement is having adequate training and proficiency, due professional care, proper planning and supervision, sufficient understanding of the entity, its environment, and its internal control. Since Mobile Home Manufacturing Company decided to issue stock to the public and Rossi and Montgomery’s CPA firm never had a client to go public or might not had proper training of filling necessary paperwork for SEC should not accept the engagement. b. The auditor may face some problems when filing the SEC of the following: new securities registration statement submitted for approval, commission examines the statements for completeness before allowing their client to sell on the securities exchange, and require the financial statements along with the opinion of the independent firm to be part of the registration statement and subsequent reports. Let us not forget the auditor must file all of the proper paperwork from the S-1 form to register new security and any other special S-forms. The 8-K form includes the sale of subsidiary, change in officer, a new product line, or change of auditors. The 10-K form must file the annual report within 60 to 90 days after the close of each fiscal year according to the size of company. The 10-Q form must be file quarterly for all public held companies that contain valuable information within the financials to be review by the auditors before filing with the commission. Chapter 3 3-23 a. The report includes additional paragraphs for the definition and limitations of internal control of the combined report on the financial statements and internal control over financial reporting is correct. b. The date of the CPA’s opinion on the financial statements of the client should be the date of the completion of all important audit procedures. c. If a principal auditor decides to refer in his or her report to the audit of another auditor, he or she is required to disclose the portion of the financial statements audited by the other auditor. -25 a. A CPA will issue an adverse auditor’s opinion if the exception to the fairness of presentation is so material that an â€Å"except for†opinion is not justified. b. An auditor will most likely disclaim an opinion because of a client-imposed scope limitation. c. The paragraph expresses an qualified opinion â€Å"In our opinion, except for the effects of not capitalizing certain lease obligations, as discussed in the preceding paragraph, the financial statements present fairly†, in all material respects,†¦ 3-26 a. It allows immaterial errors to be review if the financial statements show misinformation within the transactions and balances. b. Using the phrase â€Å"In conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America†rather than â€Å"are properly stated to represent the true economic conditions†indicate the auditor followed standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. Because financial statements prepared in accordance with U. S. accounting principles and audited in accordance with U. S. uditing standards are available throughout the world on the Internet, the country of origin of the accounting principles used in preparing the financial statements and auditing standards followed by the auditor identified in the audit report. c. Using the phrase â€Å"In our opinion†indicates that maybe some information risk associated with the financial statements, even though the statements been audit. Also, the first and fourth ge nerally accepted auditing reporting standards that require auditors to state an opinion about the financial statements taken as whole, including a conclusion about whether the company followed U. S. generally accepted accounting principles or the IFRS issued by the IASB. d. The name identifies that CPA firm or practitioner who performed the audit to ensure the quality of the audit meets professional standards of legal and responsibility. e. Using material misstatement within the audit report conveys that the auditors are responsible only to search for significant misstatements, not the minor misstatements that do not affect users’ decisions. How to cite Auditing Chaper 23, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Development of the Rock Musical free essay sample
To provide an overview of the scope of the genre of rock opera, will briefly discuss some of the most renowned works. It is usually the British rock band The Who that is credited with releasing the first rock opera ever (in 1969), Tommy. It was partly inspired by the Beetles 1967 concept album SST. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, which had already experimented with alternatives to the simple, single-oriented approach to recording Alps. Interestingly, as far as productivity is concerned, this genre reached its peak in the late sass and early sass in England 0 at a time hen rock and pop musicians were keen on experimenting with new musical forms and contents, and when society in Europe was, after the highly active sass in the United States, still very much interested in musical treatments of contemporary problems and hardships.The Whos rock opera follow-up to Tommy, Quadraphonic, was released in 1973; from 1969 to 1 975, another British rock band, the Kinks, released four rock operas: Arthur or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire (1 969), preservation (1 973), soap opera (1975), and Schoolboys in Disgrace (1975). We will write a custom essay sample on The Development of the Rock Musical or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jotter Tulles front man Ian Anderson also experimented with the rock opera format in the 1 9705, contributing Thick as a Bank(1 972), A passion Play(1973), and TOO Old to Rockville: -ROR young to Die(1 976).Probably the last rock opera to come out of England was Pink Floods legendary double album The Wall in late 1979. The rock operas mentioned deal primarily with the problems of young, mainly working-class people in England, or with the role and image of rock musicians in society. Quadraphonic, for example, depicts the emotional emptiness, frustration, anger, rebellion, of an ultimate Who fan who belongs to a cool motorcycle nag, the Moods. He revolts against his parents, his boss, and any kind of alliance with ordinary peoples lives, their small pleasures and drama. The teenage hero, Jimmy has a problem with authority in general, but in the end he comes to realize that even his cool clique is dominated by the same relentless, inhumane rules and laws as the rest of society; the only difference seems to be the fashionable clothes the Moods are wearing and the trendy music they are listening to. Disillusioned he rides his motorcycle off the cliffs into the sea. The Kinks operas also deal with flashbacks. Schoolboys in Disgrace, for example, is a nostalgic trip through childhood, reviving sass rockabilly.It is a series of vignettes rather than an actual story, telling about a naughty schoolboy and his gang, who are always playing tricks on their teachers and bullying their schoolmates, until one day, after another incident, the schools principal decides to disgrace the boy and his gang in front of the whole school. This is the turning point in the boys life: he realizes that people in authority will always be there to kick him down, that the Disesta blishment will always put him in his place. Arthur, obviously a pun on the historically laden theme of King Arthur, was the Kinks most successful and critically acclaimed rock opera. It depicts the story of an ordinary London man who has spent most of his life on his knees, laying carpets, who is now retired, owns a nice little house in suburbia and leads a small life, numbed by the horrors of World War II and English bureaucracy. Now having reached the final stages of his unimportant life, Arthur reminisces and starts to question the meaning of his life, in which he has more often than not been treated Daly and looked down on, lost a son in the war and raised another one who has become a frustrated young man.Pink Floods The Wall is one of the most successful albums in rock history, topping the United States album chart for fifteen weeks in 1 980 and spanning off the hit single Another Brick in the Wall (Part which remained at No. 1 on the United States singles chart for four weeks. In the 1 9805 The Wall was made into a movie directed by Alan Parker and starring Bob Gelded in the lead role as Pink. Pink Floyd took The Wall on tour, with the most famous, if not c omplete performance taking place n Berlin after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.The Wall is a double album about a fictional, emotionally crippled, depressed rock star, Pink, who is unable to cope with the pressures of life and therefore builds a wall around him. The wall is obviously a metaphor for his psychological isolation, for the barrier he creates to distance himself from his pain. As parts of his life spin out of control, the wall grows and Pink ultimately blames everyone, particularly women, for his incapability to deal with his neuroses. The origins of his deplorable state is illustrated by flashbacks in individual songs, such asPinks childhood memories of his fathers death in World War II (Another Brick in the Wall [Part his overprotective mother (Mother), the repressive school system, and his fascination with and fear of sex (Young Lust). When his record company uses drugs to get him to perform, his onstage persona is transformed into a homophobic fascist. In the albums last song, The Trial, Pink finally faces himself, mentally prosecutes himself, and the wall comes tumbling down. On the musical plane, the opera mirrors the fragmentary presentation of the story, seamlessly blending melodic reagents, sound effects, and larger musi cal numbers (cuff. The Wall: Pink Floyd). In the end, Pink 0 very much like Jimmy in Quadraphonic L] is disillusioned by his success, feels trapped by fame and wounded by his failed relationships; salvation through rock music does not take place. As we have seen with the works discussed above, the interest in hard-core rock opera in the sass can most directly be attributed to sociological causes. If we now take a closer look at Tommy, probably the most famous rock opera, we will encounter some of the key factors and mechanisms that are at play in rock peer, its production, and its reception in general.Tommy was written by Pete Townsend, leading member of the British rock band The Who, and was first released as a double concept album on 23 May 1969 D at a time when England was lurching from crisis to crisis, shaken by an extremely weak economy, a high unemployment rate, high inflation, strikes, and social friction. The ALP became a huge hit for the band, climbing up to No. 4 in the United States album charts (staying on the charts for forty-seven weeks) and to No. 2 in the United Kingdom. By 1 993, the band had sold two lion copies Of the album in the United States alone. Pinball Wizard was released as a single and reached No. 4 and No. 5 in the united Kingdom and United States respectively. Tommy is set in England from the sass to the sass and tells the story of a boy who is traumatized by childhood experiences. As a small child Tommy witnesses his father, believed missing in World War II, return from captivity and kill his mothers lover. As a result the boy becomes blind, deaf and dumb, and is subjected to psychological, medical and sexual abuse by his family and doctors. Although the story is operatic, the means of expression on the musical plane are reminiscent of an oratorio. All four members of The Who sing for much of the time, no one singer portraying any one character. However, The Whos pure working-class style rockabilly in part fails to generate and detail the emotions found in the libretto, and to some extent lacks musical originality and innovation. Hence, the Tommy score doesnt seem to have a particularly strong personality of its own. In that, the music explicitly reflects working-class ideals and can be seen as successfully underscoring the libretto.It is a one-dimensional world that is portrayed in the story, so the rather one-dimensional music effectively describes the characters lives. It obviously works best in the depiction of Tommys frustrations and aggressions, possibly because rock music is traditionally associated with those emotions and notions. The Indenture, an instrumental number reminiscent in its function within the rock opera of an intermezzo in classical opera, for example, offers very exciting and stimulating music describing Tommys acid trip. The Who performed the rock peer non-stop for nearly two years, to rave reviews especially in England and the United States.Their live shows attracted a vast new audience who was captured and fascinated by the rock theater-like performances. The Who had gone from a Designing band to an Album band, had won critical acclaim and credibility, although the BBC and various rock radio stations in the United States had banned the album for its daring content from the onset. The Who also became the first rock band ever to perform their rock opera at the Metropolitan Opera in New York( June 7 1970). They went on to perform it in peer houses in Canada and Germany.Soon Tommy took on a life of its own: it was adapted for a ballet, an orchestral pop album performed by the London Symphony Orc hestra (1 972), In the past three decades the rock opera has repeatedly been revived, by The Who themselves in concert performances as well as in theater performances of various musical versions, frequently staged and produced by Townsend himself. With its quality rock music and the tale of lust, LSI, rebellion, sadism, and retribution, Tommy perfectly captures the sass spirit, and in that Tommy is very much representative of rock operas in general.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Motivation and Commitment for the Social Work Profession Essay Example
Motivation and Commitment for the Social Work Profession Essay Motivation and Commitment for the Social Work Profession As I reminisce back upon my life there are many experiences and factors that have affected and shaped who I am today. If you examine Nature vs. Nurture, Ive always concluded that human expression is not just black and white, there is a definite grey area where both nature (genetics) and nurture (environment) combine. For example, childhood experiences or family dynamics can either make or break you as a person depending on whether you allow negative experiences or less than ideal environments to detrimentally affect the way in which you view the world. You can prevail forward or stay with the natural human tendency to digress in the past but you decide how long you want that period of digression to be. My immediate family growing up was my father, stepmother, mother, and my twin brothers. My parents divorced when I was two. My mother was severely depressed; because of this I did not see her again until I was eight years old. I dont remember a lot from when I was young but I do recall my brothers and I visiting our mother under supervision in a playroom of a human services building. She explained to us that she was better and could soon keep us every other weekend. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation and Commitment for the Social Work Profession specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation and Commitment for the Social Work Profession specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation and Commitment for the Social Work Profession specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer My mother was better for a while but the depression came in cycles, sometimes she was up and other times she was down. My twin brothers were born mentally challenged on the mild spectrum. As I watched my mother and brothers struggle with trials and tribulations of life, I realized how much I enjoy helping others cope with the obstacles and barriers that can come with life, with or without a disability that brings life into another realm. Which is how I came to work with several different companies serving various populations such as, mentally challenged, mentally ill, physically disabled and Traumatic Brain Injury. My interest in social work and psychology began as a teenager in my first psychology class my freshman year in high school. I was fascinated with how the brain works and what influences and shapes the human mind. I told my parents at this time my dream of becoming a therapist. As a teenager I always wanted to give support and give advice to my friends. I wanted to help others through their challenges. We all face challenges in life, we all have to face fear at one time or another, every challenge and fear is a chance to gain courage or strength you never knew you had inside you. I began pursuing my bachelors degree at the age of twenty one. I attended school, work, and at the same time held up the role of single motherhood. It was testing and exhausting at times but the feeling of accomplishment at the end was well worth it. After receiving my degree I knew eventually I would want to climb further up the education ladder when I was ready. I wanted a break to gain more work experience serving others. This year I decided was the right time to look into a masters degree program. I was fond of the multidimensional contexts mentioned in the Advanced Generalist Concentration description for the second year. It is important to learn the different levels and aspects of cultures and the influences thereof, in order to better understand and empathize with the individuals you serve as a social worker. My future career goals after I complete the program: I hope to work in a clinic or resource center for individuals with HIV and work towards further prevention and education to the public. I am going to obtain a minor in Drug and Alcohol Counseling so I can better serve this population. After gaining some work experience to broaden my perspective and knowledge, I hope to open my own therapy practice in order to help others through their challenges and succeed in life. 2) A Social Issue of Concern A social issue of concern for me is the stigmatizing of individuals with HIV in society. As the HIV/AIDS epidemic marks its thirtieth year, you can state a lot has changed since 1981 when what was thought of as the gay plague which had symptoms similar to pneumonia and Kaposis Sarcoma, such as, fever, fatigue, rash, swollen lymph nodes, and sore throat. Although many individuals experience no symptoms at all, feel, and appear healthy for several years. A few years later this would come to be known as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Now thirty years later society, professionals, and doctors know more about HIV transmission, treatment, and prevention. Society may know more but do they know enough to keep ignorance and stigma at bay? A recent survey performed by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows substantial shares of Americans continue to express discomfort at the idea of interacting with people living with HIV. For example 45% say theyd be uncomfortable having their food prepared by someone who is HIV-positive, 36% with having an HIV roommate, 29% having their child in a classroom with an HIV-positive teacher, and 18 percent working with someone who is HIV-positive. One statistic that does show some promise in decreasing stigma and ignorance within society is the share stating theyd be very comfortable working with someone who has HIV increased from about a third in 1997 to roughly half in 2011. (www. kff. org/kaiserpolls[-gt;0]) Unfortunately other results show the public is still ignorant about modes of transmission of HIV. The KFF survey also shows that over the past twenty years, roughly one in four Americans have continued to either believe that one can get HIV from a drinking glass, or remain unsure whether it is the case. What do these statistics tell about stigma and ignorance within the general public? It says that potentially stigmatizing and discriminating attitudes still persist. There are a few factors that I believe led to this outcome, 1) The public is not being educated enough in the schools, television, and doctors offices and hospitals are prime places where we can get the information out there. ) More doctors are suggesting HIV tests for non-elderly, 29% but so far it doesnt translate into an increase in reports of actually getting an HIV test. About one in five non-elderly adults say they have been tested for HIV in the past 12 months which is a percentage that has held steady since 1997. 3) The information about how HIV is contracted and testing routes/sites needs to get out not to ju st high-risk population but to the general population as well. Although society discriminates, HIV itself does not discriminate. (statistics obtained from: www. kff. rg/kaiserpolls) 1. Society Response When speaking of HIV in general, people get defensive and uncomfortable. This is where peer advocacy at testing sites, community education sites, and in the clinics/hospitals is vital because those living with HIV can share their stories and show others the different types of people that contract HIV. So a face can be put with the virus, show others that you cant tell who has HIV by looking at someone. Also, a belief that comes into play is that if you talk about sex, even safe sex, that people will be encouraged to have more of it. In reality the opposite rings true. The more that educators and hospital professionals talk about safe sex and STDs, the more comfortable others are talking with their sex partners on the subject. The more you know about a topic, the more confident you feel to discuss it with others. 3) Personal Strengths, Skills, Knowledge, Qualities and Limitations Ive always had an altruistic personality, compassion for others, ability to empathize with external and internal human struggles. In high school I enjoyed giving advice and being the sympathetic ear to my friends. Growing older, I enjoyed listening to and talking with mature adults at work with every day contact I gained more knowledge about their life experience. I was always fascinated when discussing the way they handled their trials and tribulations. I always had a thirst for knowledge whether it is the spoken words of others, reading books, enjoying new experiences, or researching online. Some professionals who receive vast education, or are in their chosen profession for a long time, come to believe they have learned it all. They get stuck in a rut like doctors treating numbers, not treating the patient. I dont believe I will ever get to that place in my career. At the start and at the end of the day, you need to remember your purpose for yourself and for others. Its innate for all of us to need human experience, to be loved and accepted, to feel needed, to make others happy. In summary, a thirst for human knowledge, an understanding that society and people are forever changing, the ability to empathize with others, and the human experience in general, is what makes an effective social worker. One of my limitations is that I often underestimate myself. Because of that I put limitations on myself that dont need to be there. I let fear of success get in the way of success. However, Ive come to realize this and I do my best to strive further and not give up. There are always obstacles in life whether it is emotional, physical, or environmental. One must learn to get around them, work with them, or run right through them. 4) Ethics and Values My personal values are seen in the work I have chosen to do throughout my life. Ive worked with the mentally challenged, mentally ill, and physically challenged individuals for many years. I believe no matter what the differences and limitations are, we as human beings all deserve respect, dignity, and the same opportunities that all Americans are provided. The right to vote, obtain an education, right to work, to serve in the community, have resources available, and to live and experience life to its fullest; are rights and privileges we all have. Some do not realize how in the past those that differ from the norm have had to fight and struggle for these rights, many had to experience anguish, despair, and isolation when institutionalization was standard and no rights were given to these individuals. In 1955 the institutions were slowly shutdown for the most part and deinstitutionalization became the standard. The mentally challenged, physically disabled and mentally ill were more accepted and integrated into the community, the educational system, into paid work and vocational positions, the government and state provided adaptions so they could gain access to the community and use their rights. There is always more work to do. The general public has little concept of how significant the population of disabled individuals is, more educating to the public needs to be put into place on how prevalent physical, intellectual, and mental disorders are, for example, the CDC reported 1 in 110 children in the United States have an Autism spectrum disorder, 13% of children have a developmental disability and the last count in 1993 the CDC found 1. 5 million children and adults ages 6-64 had intellectual disabilities. As a social worker one will work with people from all walks of life, characters, belief systems, religion, culture, race, and value systems. Also depending on these factors, the issues individuals deal with in their day to day lives will vary. You have to put your ego and your own beliefs that may be different from theirs aside and take your profession seriously, but dont take yourself too seriously. Put the person youre serving first and remember the service youre providing, whatever your field may be. People will come in with conflicting beliefs, religions, and backgrounds, but unless you have walked in their shoes its not for you to judge or change their mind. However, you are required to report incidents such as, abuse, homicidal and suicidal intentions (if there is a plan set out). You are there to offer help with resources and advice on the use of those resources available to the individual. 5) Meaningful Volunteer and/or Work experience For the year of 2007 I worked for Quality Living Inc. in Omaha, Nebraska, this is a rehab facility specializing in TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and Spinal Cord Injury. Never having worked with this population, it was an eye opening experience to see several people go from living an independent life, to losing the ability to walk or go to the bathroom, losing the ability to speak, process thoughts, control of their muscles, having to relearn everything and not fully gain back certain skills. Also teaching and helping struggling families gain skills to cope and work with their loved ones as well. One tough situation among many was a family with a seventeen year old daughter who was ran over by a vehicle at night; she had a TBI and was in a comma. I watched the family by her side and praying for her to wake up every day. This hit close to my heart because I have a daughter as well and I thought to myself how heartbroken I would be if that happened to her. You are reminded of how valuable life is and how important the moments are that you spend with those you love. I had never assisted people who were in such extensive need of various services. The individuals attended physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and relearning everyday living skills to gain back the skills they lost. I didnt know the need for this service was so extensive. There are few facilities like it which specialize in TBI and SCI. There are rehabilitation hospitals who offer similar therapies and resources but not to this extent and not as individualized. The creator of Quality Living was one person and a community of families with loved ones who have TBI and/or Spinal Cord Injury who werent getting the services they desperately needed. Working with the individuals and those who work for them, reminded me of the power and perseverance of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle. ) Cultural Diversity Experience a. I have some experience working with diverse cultures. I worked as a nursing assistant in various facilities, nursing homes, group homes, and hospitals, assisting with personal care and daily living. Working with the elderly you see how people come from different backgrounds and how it affects who they are today. You also see how dementia and Alzheimers affects the brain and physi cal function. As I went over before, I worked with individuals with physical and mental disabilities; I still do to this day. I gained a lot of patience and understanding from this work. You come across various behaviors that can be aggressive, violent, emotional, and this will challenge you emotionally and intellectually as well. This will also at times drain you physically and emotionally. At the end of the day you get these reminders: a friendship gained, a smile, a thank you, an apology, a new experience, being able to teach someone and help someone. You see youve made a difference despite the difficult days that come and go. b. I have not had professional experience working with many different ethnicities and/or nationalities. However, I have had personal experience with friendships and co-workers of various national origins such as, Africa, Persia, Mexico, India, Ecuador, Haiti, Columbia, France, Portugal and Britain. I myself love learning about different cultures, their views, beliefs, traditions, history, and food of course, its all very fascinating to me. c. I am most comfortable working with those my age or between 20-40 years of age because I can more easily relate and be at the same level maturity and intellect. I also am comfortable with those who have disabilities and mental illnesses, having professional and personal experience with this population I am more apt to see the person, not just their disability. d. After careful thought there is not a population I am uncomfortable working with. 7. ) Social Support and Financial Plan I plan on applying for school loans and scholarships. As well as meeting with the financial assistance and scholarship offices. Currently my husband and I are looking into starting a non-profit shelter for female veterans out of our home. We have already begun contacting individuals within The National Veterans Wellness and Healing Center which host retreats for veteran couples and also works constantly on assisting veterans with obtaining the resources that are available to them. While I am at school and doing work credit hours my husband will take care of the business, along with our business partners we will also hire extra people to assist us with running the business. I am very excited about this endeavor and feel my further education with New Mexico State would contribute a great deal to this and future endeavors. [-gt;0] http://www. kff. org/kaiserpolls
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Researching French-Canadian Ancestry Genealogy
Researching French-Canadian Ancestry Genealogy Even if you cant read French, tracing French-Canadian ancestors can be easier than many people expect due to the excellent record keeping of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada. Baptisms, marriages, and burials were all dutifully recorded in the parish registers, with copies also sent to civil authorities. This, along with the incredibly high rate of French-Canadian records preservation, offers a much greater, more complete record of people living in Quebec and other parts of New France than in most other areas of North America and the world. In most cases, French-Canadian ancestry should be fairly easily traceable back to the immigrant ancestors, and you may even be able to trace some lines further back in France. Maiden Names Dit Names As in France, most French-Canadian church and civil records are recorded under a womans maiden name, making it much easier to trace both sides of your family tree. Sometimes, but not always, a womans married surname is included as well. In many areas of French-speaking Canada, families sometimes adopted an alias, or second surname in order to distinguish between different branches of the same family, especially when the families remained in the same town for generations. These alias surnames, also known as dit names, can often be found preceded by the word dit, as in Armand Hudon dit Beaulieu where Armand is the given name, Hudon is the original family surname, and Beaulieu is the dit name. Sometimes an individual even adopted the dit name as the family name and dropped the original surname. This practice was most common in France among soldiers and sailors. Dit names are important for anyone researching French-Canadian ancestors, as they necessitate searching the records under several various surname combinations. French-Canadian Rà ©pertoires (Indexes) Since the mid-nineteenth century, many French Canadians have worked to trace their families back to France and, in doing so, have created a large number of indexes to various parish records, known as rà ©pertoires or repertories. The vast majority of these published indexes or rà ©pertoires are of marriage (mariage) records, although a few exist which include baptisms (baptà ªme) and burials (sà ©pulture). Rà ©pertoires are generally arranged alphabetically by surname, while those that are organized chronologically usually include a surname index. By exploring all of the rà ©pertoires that include a particular parish (and following up in the original parish records), one can often take a French-Canadian family tree back through many generations. The majority of published rà ©pertoires are not yet available online. They can, however, often be found in major libraries with a strong French-Canadian focus, or libraries local to the parish(s) of interest. Many have been microfilmed and are available through the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and Family History Centers throughout the world. Major online repertoires or databases of indexed French-Canadian marriage, baptism and burial records include: BMS2000 - This cooperative project involving over twenty genealogical societies in Quà ©bec and Ontario is one of the largest online sources of indexed baptism, marriage, and burial (sà ©pulture) records. It covers the period from the beginning of the French colony until the end of the XXth century. The Drouin Collection - Available online as a subscription database from, this amazing collection includes nearly 15 million French-Canadian parish and other records of interest from Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and many U.S states with a large French-Canadian population. Indexed too! Church Records As in France, records of the Roman Catholic Church are the single best source for tracing French-Canadian families. Christening, marriage and burial records have been carefully recorded and preserved in the parish registers from 1621 to the present. Between 1679 and 1993 all parishes in Quà ©bec were required to send duplicate copies to the civil archives, which has ensured that the majority of Roman Catholic parish records in Quà ©bec still survive to this day. These baptismal, marriage and burial records are generally written in French (some earlier records may be in Latin), but often follow a standardized format which makes them easy to follow even if you know little or know French. Marriage records are an especially important source for immigrant ancestors to New France, or French-Canadian Canada because they usually document the immigrants parish and town of origin in France. The Family History Library has microfilmed the majority of Quà ©bec Catholic registers from 1621-1877, as well as most civil copies of Catholic registers between 1878 and 1899. This collection of Quà ©bec Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1900 has been digitized and is also available for viewing online for free through FamilySearch. There are a few indexed entries, but to access most records youll need to use the browse images link and go through them manually.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Case Study
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital - Case Study Example It has been recognized that cultural changes has been initiated by Mike Hammer which seemed to be relatively ineffective for the overall organization. The analysis of the case study is aimed at providing answer to various problems faced by General Hospital in order to increase its efficiency. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction to the Case Study 4 Conflict Management Styles 4 Hammer’s Leadership Style 5 Change Approach Used 7 Conclusion and Recommendation 9 References 10 Bibliography 11 Introduction to the Case Study The case study is all about the General Hospital that has been facing problems and the performance of the organization has been declining. Therefore, the hospital required certain high-speed solution so that the operations of this organization could be improved. It was noted that the CEO of the hospital Mike Hammer identified that the cut in the cost of operation was of top priority and thus increase in the revenues could be the ultimate solution to fix the problem so that the current services could be expanded and the new services could have been added in those areas where the General Hospital could have competed successfully. Conflict Management Styles There are various conflict management styles such as competing/controlling, accommodating, avoiding, collaborating and compromising. Competing conflict management style is generally understood as being assertive and uncooperative. It might be understood as protection of one’s position which is believed to be correct or at this management style the person tries to win. Accommodating is just the opposite of the competing. In case of accommodating the individual tends to gratify the problems of the other people whilst sacrificing his personal concerns. Avoiding is the style of managing the conflict where the individual doesn’t pay due attention towards the conflicts and thus doesn’t makes any attempt to solve it (AFC-ISPI, n.d.). Compromising is an attempt made by the individual to resolve the conflict by means of identifying the solution that is accepted to both the parties to certain extent but not fully satisfactory to any one of them. Collaborating aims at cooperating with the other party for their concerns to be realized and thus enabling to express ones own concern with the aim towards finding a mutually and completely satisfactory solution (Wright State University, n.d.). After having analyzed the case study, it can be revealed that the collaborating conflict management style is practiced to resolve the problem that was pertaining in the organization. Collaborating involves working closely with other person in order to find a feasible solution to the problem fully satisfying the concerns of both the persons. In the case study, Mike Hammer hired Marge Harding in order to work together on the matters. In addition to this, by doing so the concerns of both (Hammer and Harding) would be satisfied since Mike Hammer’s aim was to reduce th e cost and Mage Harding wanted to take up the challenge since the work could provide her the chance to get the CEOs position after few years. This makes it evident that the collaborative conflict management style has been applied in the case study. Hammer’s Leadership Style Leadership style is a process whereby the direction is provided, plans are implemented and thus the people are motivated to work in an organization. It is worth mentioning that the leaders might not use one particular style when executing the above functions. Various styles are used; most of them may even use multiple styles. The diverse leadership styles as exercised by the leaders are authoritarian, democratic and laissez fair. In case of authoritarian leadership styles,
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